Our Democratic Structure
Lakes & Dales Co-operative is part of the Scotmid Co-operative Society. As a co-operative, we are owned by our members who each have an equal say in how we are run. Our members are at the heart of the Society and they are the foundation of our democratic process. The Society has a Board of Directors, as well as Regional Committees to represent members in the East, West and North regions.
Members living in the Lakes and Dales area are currently served by a panel that shares members with Scotmid’s West and East Regional Committees. There are plans to create a new regional committee in the future for the Cumbria, County Durham and Northumberland area. If you are a Society member and you are interested in finding out more about this, please contact Simon Cogan 0n 07595 567 194.
Individual members can become democratically involved by attending and participating at our twice yearly Member Meetings or by standing for election to one of our Regional Committees or Board. Find out more by reading our Society rules.

Board of Directors
The Scotmid Co-operative Board consists of 12 directors, who are nominated to serve by the Regional Committees and are elected by the members at Ordinary General meetings.
How the Board works
The Board of Directors meets regularly throughout the year, with meetings held monthly at the Society’s head office in Newbridge and with the Chief Executive in attendance. The Society’s rules provide that the Board has the following responsibilities:
To ensure that the Society’s affairs are conducted in accordance with the Rules, the best interests of the Society and its members and in accordance with the Co-operative Values and Principles;
To determine the strategy and policy of the Society in consultation with the Chief Executive and the Management Executive; and
To oversee the Chief Executive and the Management Executive in the day-to-day management of the business of the Society.
The Board appoints a number of committees to review specific matters on its behalf and to bring forward recommendations for their consideration. These are the General Purposes Committee; Audit Committee; Remuneration Committee and Search Committee.
The Board delegates the day to day management of the Society’s activities to the Chief Executive, who is responsible for the execution of the Society’s strategy. The Directors also have access to the advice and services of the Society Secretary, who is responsible for advising them on governance matters. The Board, and its Committees, can also take independent professional advice from external consultants, under an agreed procedure. The Directors are required to undertake training including a structured induction programme for new Directors, to enable them to fulfill their role competently.
Regional Committees
Scotmid Co-operative has three Regional Committees to serve members living in the Society’s trading areas in the East, North and West. Scotmid’s West and East Regional Committee represents the interests of members living in the Cumbria, Northumberland and County Durham area, served by the Lakes & Dales Co-operative stores. Up to 12 members are on each Committee. Regional Committee members are nominated and elected by the members from within their geographic region.
How the Regional Committees Work
Regional Committees are responsible for representing the views of members in their region, promoting membership in their region and providing nominees for places on the Board. They are also responsible for managing their Regional Community budget and for allocating grants to community groups within their regions. They meet on average 10 times each year and receive reports from management on the progress of the Society. Regional Committee members are required to undertake training to enable them to fulfil their role competently.

Become a Lakes & Dales Committee Member
Currently the Lakes & Dales is represented by a panel of members. We aim to establish a Lakes & Dales Regional Committee in the very near future. If you are a member and would like to become more democratically involved by becoming a committee member, please contact Steve Beavis, Membership & Community Manager for the Lakes and Dales at stevebeavis@scotmid.co.uk or call 07595567194 for more information.
Latest News
Read about all the latest news from Lakes & Dales Co-op: